young crafting

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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while at home in sweden this summer, i did a clean out in my parents' attic and found my first ever sewing project!

this masterpiece was made when i was
around 9 and i believe it is supposed to look like balloons against a blue sky... ehm...yeah...

thankfully im abit better at the stitching these days, but i must admire the unconventional choice of colour combinations! turquoise, navy, orange, pink AND yellow- yes, well... why not?

sweden part two

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

0 lovely comments

vee speer
fotografiska museet is the newly opened museum of photography in stockholm.
it is well worth visiting - at the moment they are exhibiting a big selection of
annie leibovitz's work, photographs by swedish photographer lennart nilsson,
as well as vee speer and anders petersen.
i loved leibovitz's and lennart nilsson's images, but vee speer was my favourite. her photographs
may seem bright at first sight, but once you look closer they are very omnious and quite terrifying.

lennart nilsson

anders petersen

vee speers

sweden part one

0 lovely comments

view from my parents' house... nice, isnt it?.