
Thursday, July 29, 2010

a couple of weeks ago, myself and the boyfriend went blueberry picking in the woods of sligo. as a swede, blueberry picking comes quite naturally to me, but mr boyfriend has been claiming the title of master picker three times in a row now... hm... i suspect that he most certainly must be cheating, but i have yet to discover exactly how...

we ended up with a nice result of 2.5 kilos though, so who am i to complain! and soon the mushroom season is starting, lets see who will be the champion then! (that would be me!)

3 lovely comments:

Monika @ Our Homemade Home said...

Wowwwwzer!!! You are a champion! Look here:
I didn't picked so much:)))
Lovely photos.
XOXO from not too far:)

Oonagh @ CeltoiCroi Studio said...

I've come across your blog by accident Sara, it's lovely to see someone talented with similar craft desire as myself living so close to home. Love hearts just happen to be a passion of mine also. It would be great for us crafters to meet up....
keep creating,
Oonagh @ CeltoiCroi

mochicloud said...

sounds like fun! makes me want to pick some blueberries too :)